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President Message

I am very thankful and grateful to all the members who have shown faith in me and elected me as the President of New Delhi Bar Association, Patiala House Courts, New Delhi.

I extend my respect and regard to all senior members of the Bar and love and affection to younger colleagues and lady members as well.

I assure the Hon’ble Members that I am duty bound to help each one of the Members in any need and distress not withstanding my personal engagement and any preoccupation. All these years I have been helping the members and assure my esteemed members that I shall continue to do in future. I shall always look forward for your valuable guidance, help, assistance and co-operation, without which all these are not possible.

There are so many works to be executed which have to be carried on collectively along with all our Executive Members. I have proposed to initiate many more welfare schemes for the members of NDBA. Kindly extend good suggestion and co-operation for that I shall be thankful for ever.

While thanking you once again, I request your co-operation, support and encouragement during the tenure of this Executive Committee to make NDBA as a vital and vibrant Bar.

With Warm Regards
